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Art Classroom Kits

INOVART > art classroom kits > Art Classroom Kits

Inovart offers a wide variety of kits to meet the needs of many classroom projects.

The possibilities are endless!  Create projects using mat frames, Skratch N’ Sketch paper, rubber stamps, Presto Foam Printing Plates or Foamie Design Rollers & Stampers. You can even combine these items for creating multi media art!  Have fun, explore & be creative!!

"PRESTO FOAM" Printing Plate Classroom Assortment

Product Details

This assortment includes the following sizes and quantities.

Sheet Amount Size Type
100 4″ x 6″ Foam Plates
60 6″ x 9″ Foam Plates
96 9” x 12” Foam Plates
48 12” x 18” Foam Plates

Product #6005 – 1 set per pkg

Product Overview

These “butter-soft” Foam Printing Plates require only the slightest pressure to create a working impression which eliminates the need for sharp pointed tools. The perfect choice for the younger student as it gives them an opportunity to develop their printmaking skills. Also available with a non-slip adhesive backing.

"SKRATCH N SKETCH" Classroom Assortment

Product Details

This assortment includes:

Qty Size Type
50 8.5″ x 11″ Shts. Multi-Colored Skratch N’ Sketch Paper
25 8.5″ x 11″ Shts. Gold Foil Skratch N’ Sketch Paper
25 8.5″ x 11″ Shts. Silver Foil Skratch N’ Sketch Paper

25 – Wooden Stylus Tool Set
Product #1115 – 1 set per pkg

Product Overview

A complete classroom pack for students to skratch incredible works of art!

Printmaking Classroom Tool Assortment

Product Details

Printmaking Classroom Tool Assortment

Product #8070 –   1 set per package

Product Overview

Includes 12 ea. “Snap-Out” hard rubber brayers & 12 each Linoleum Cutters (5 different cutting knives per set) with sure-grip WOOD handles that make it easy to insert and change cutters, 12 each wood stylus and burnishing tools,12 each inking trays,24 each 4” x 6” Presto Foam printing plates and a 50 sheet package of high-quality Block Printing Paper.